Sabtu, 07 November 2009

Children 10 years on eBay auctioning her grandmother!

This is crazy, because - because of irritation, Pamberton Zoe, 10, have the heart "auctioning" his grandmother, Marian Goodal, 61, on eBay. Zoe was annoyed because he felt troubled by the demand for the new grandmother home from knee injury saklit. Like, make a drink and entertain the grandmother ..
(Jove ya grandson, so doank yet)

"He continued to disturb and complain to me. When I saw the laptop, arrived - arrived crossed my mind to put my grandma on eBay. I think I just might be 99 pennies (approximately USD 18,500)," Zoe said innocently to the Daily Mail.

But who would have thought the value of the auction for her grandmother continued to increase since offered on Sunday (27 / 9). On the first day of bidding, the value reached Goodal GBP 1000 (USD 15.387 million). Then the value continued to increase to GBP 2000 (USD 30.757 million). Until the closing of the auction yesterday, the widow 5 children and 12 grandchildren was worth GBP 20,541 (USD 316 million)!

However, the unusual auction is then closed by eBay. "Time does not permit registration of the human form in the site," says Jenny Thomas, a spokesman for eBay.

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