Kamis, 05 November 2009

All about Earthquakes

Earthquake is the vibration or shock that occurs on the surface of the earth. Ordinary earthquakes caused by the movement of the earth's crust (plates of the earth).

Tec Plates

Our earth, although solid, always moving, and an earthquake occurs when the pressure is happening because the movement was already too large to be arrested.

Earth Struct

Why can happen plate movement?

land we are standing now is like a giant raft on a giant raft Magma.nah mentioned is the Earth's plates are constantly moving because it is above the magma.

Why can happen plate movement?

Because the plates keep moving it would be possible collision between the Earth's plates, plate collision between the result of tectonic earthquake.

Eath Plates

Tectonic earthquake caused the things that we do not want it like..

Tectonic Earth Quake Caused

Ambacang Hotel - Before Padang Eath Quake

Ambacang Hotel - After Padang Eath Quake

But there is happiness behind it
happiness behind earth quake

Do not care your occupation
Dont care your occupation

Source and Image : Kaskus.us

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